Friday, March 17, 2023

Spring Break 2023: New Orleans

We did all the New Orleans things!

Day 1: City Park, beignets, Anna hang, and Swamp tour

Day 2: Downtown day 

Souvener - New Orleans vinyl, Fat Boy's pizza, trolley ride, more beignets, and bbq at The Joint

Day 3: St Patrick's day - crawfish, Garden District bookstore, Dr Bob's art, movie, and bingo!

I think you were a big fan of Bingo!

Sunday, March 5, 2023

14th Birthday Party

Low key - ish party. It ended up being a beautiful afternoon. You guys had fun trying all the different hang out spots - porch, backyard, balcony and playroom.  :)

Dress/shoes: H&M
Cake: Olivia's sister made it!
Food & Decorations: Mom, pizza, salad, and popcorn
Attendees: Olivia, "big" Olivia, Glancey, Maggie and Lucie Jane

The night before - we tried rolled ice cream and saw Into the Woods with Maggie at Humme-Fogg. It was great!

Saturday, March 4, 2023

14th Birthday


Here's your annual update - 

Things you love:

1. Music - 
For your birthday, you created a diverse list of desired vinyl records, everything from Ben Folds to Taylor Swift to Wilco. Clearly you're Dad has a major influence on your music tastes! And you got Taylor Swift tickets - concert is in May, and you've been planning for months!

2. School leadership-
As class representative, you ended up planning and leading all the SGA events at school!

3. New this year-  Theater Tech - You helped with MLK fall musical and are helping with your first Theater Bug show. 

2023 Goals
1. Have fun with Mom-
We get into it - a lot more than I would like, but have had fun seeing touring brodway shows lately. Hoping we can fight less and have more fun!

2. Learn to shop-
You are a saver. I love a saver, but sometimes you need clothes and things. You are through puberty and officially adult sized - despite your objection, we wear the same size everything. Let's share! all of my stuff isn't horrible. 

Ha! These goals crack me up. My goals are the same -
We do have fun seeing theater together, but you still hate shopping. 

Love you- 
