Sunday, October 4, 2009

Month 7

Month 7 Stats
Length?, 21 lbs

This month you started crawling. You held a spoon for the first time, and by the end of the month you were able to stand alone. We also started to teach you some sign language (hi and bye; all-done).

Your top two front teeth started to come and we had some professional pictures taken with M and Pop. My favorite was the "Baby in a Bucket"!

October was filled with lots of fun events. We visited Lucky Ladd Farms and you played in the corn pit, and on a tractor.

and we went over to Mommy and Daddy's friend's place (Justin) for Pumpkin Day!
You didn't help much, but we did take this cute picture of you "driving" on the way there.

Aunt Lesley visited the weekend of Halloween, and since you had so much hair, I thought Pebbles would be the perfect costume. Aunt Lesley made the bone hair clip on her "special engineering machine."

We noticed that you loved this garden toy at our church nursery. It let you play and pull up, and not get toppled by the bigger kids. I set out to find you the garden toy for the house. It took some major searching on the internet, but I found it. Oh and so did Grandpa. So you had 2! garden centers, 1 in Nashville and 1 in Memphis. Ridiculous, I know. Here you are in the garden center...all covered in toys.

Love you, Maevy.