Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pool Time

Maevy, you did much better at your second swimming lesson. You started to doggie paddle and kick your legs. We held you on your stomach and you would "swim" to mommy/daddy. You still don't like floating on your back, but we're working on it. And you were so pooped from swimming, that you feel asleep during the 5 minute car trip home.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weekend Round-Up

Saturday mommy and daddy had friends over for dinner and you played with their little boy, Jack. Everyone spent the night and you were excited to see them in the morning. I thought this pic was super cute of you and Jack in your pjs.Later in the day, we stopped by a friend's art show. Your favorite part of the show, snacks- cheese/crackers, and buttons on your dress that you can chew on!It was another beautiful day. So we went back to the park to watch daddy play frisbee. You took a stroller ride, then had fun pushing your own stroller.

It was a great weekend and can't wait for the weather to warm up!

1st Haircut

Well Maevy, you got your first haircut this weekend and everyone is dying to see your new do. You did great and enjoyed chewing on a couple of combs. Your stylist suggested you get a traditional bob. Here's the big reveal-
and a profile shot
It was such a beautiful day (finally!) that we took you to the playground afterward, and your new hair got a little static-y.

1st Swim Lesson

This weekend you also had your first swim lesson. We don't really expect you to learn about to swim this year, but we do want you to enjoy the pool and not be afraid of the water. We had fun for the first 20minutes, but then we kept trying to get you to float on your back. You didn't like this and eventually you just clung to Mommy and whined. We left class a few minutes early, but we'll be back next week! Here's a dry pic of you in your new swimsuit-Post-lesson you enjoyed playing peek-a-boo with the changing room door.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wyckoff Weekend

It's a little late, but here are some highlights from the weekend. Before the Wyckoffs came, you finished a yummy fruit smoothie. Then you did some exploring...

Then Grandma got here! We all went out for some lunch and we found a Maevy-sized rocking chair.
Sunday you played at home until Mommy and Aunt Robs got home from running. You were pretty excited when we got home...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A look back to Feb 2009

Maevy - you're getting close to one year old, and your mother is going crazy with planning the event of your first birthday party. Supposedly a small, family affair, but with no stone left unturned. Your mother has been fast away picking out invitations and creating a menu all that fit within the theme (not mentioned here so as to not tip-off the invitees). She's been planning a cake that will be both healthy and delicious and can be made in the shape to match the theme. I'm always impressed with her and how she's able to do the planning and follow through, especially now that you seem to require a great deal more time than when you only slept, ate, and pooped all day.

But let me spend more time on the last year. You were supposed to be born on February 18th, 2009. But you wanted to wait a while. No biggie.

Your Mommy answered question after question about when you were maki
ng your appearance, and I went to work each day nearly on needles wondering every time my cell phone went off if this was going to be the call that changed my life forever. And as each day at work passed, we would go home to another evening of sitting in front of the TV, speculating if there was something we were doing wrong or had yet to do that would coax you from the comfortable womb you resided in. No matter what we did, you just never budged. After you waited for two weeks, and the midwife (Emma) said "enough is enough" and gave us the drop date. I'm still relatively young compared to all the experiences I hope to have, still I have yet to go through anything as nerve wracking as the birth of a kid. And you just did not want to make the curtain raise, despite all the potassium (actually Pitocin - but I was in mind to be accurate about such a small detail) we coursed into your mother's veins. Well, after a good 16 hours of being in the same hospital room you made your debut, and we could have not been happier. Your grandparents were all there, eager to meet the first grandchild on both sides. And you did not disappoint.

A beautiful little baby girl - all gooey and hairy. Worth the wait, for sure.

However, your story did not end there. We brought you home and then began the adventure of raising a little baby. In the first month, you didn't do much - SHOCKER!. By the time we got the the third month, you start smiling at people and discovering you hands and feet, and rolling over a bit.

In the third month, we took you to out to a couple of things - one was an outdoor symphony performance and I took you to a Nashville Sounds baseball game. I'd like to think you really enjoyed that - although time will tell.

The fourth month - July - saw you eating some solid foods for the first time - an avocado - and going with us to a fireworks display that got us all wet. You grabbed the bottle and put it in your mouth. And finally rolled over from your back to your stomach - a great achievement for any young one. Way to GO!.

Month number five was a good one - your first parade at the Tomato Festival just down from where we live, followed by a friend's birthday party. Mommy noted in your calendar that you are a very happy baby. So true.

Halfway through your first year, you were pulling up on everything, visiting a swimming pool (not your favorite, but with your disposition it's not something you really protested), and your Mom and I took you to Louisville to have your picture taken with Grandma & Grandpa Wyckoff by our favorite photographer - Sarah Gilliam - who was not in Louisville that day. I note this event because it's not often I have something to make fun of your mother for, and this one was a major blunder. Be that as it may, we did manage to make the most by taking our own pics and visiting the baseball bat museum. Are you aware that Daddy like baseball?

Seven months and you were on you way - standing for seconds by yourself, lots of babbling, first infection and dressing as Pebbles for Halloween.

In month eight, you began holding your own bottle when feeding, standing alone really well, enjoying be tickled and hands "eaten" by Mommy & me. Plus your first Thanksgiving.

When you hit nine months old, you were feeding yourself cheerios from the table, took your first steps, celebrated your first Christmas at OLPH (in the cry room) - after which you stayed up for an unruly 2 more hours and nearly ruined Daddy's "special drink time".

You're doing all the previously mentioned stuff, plus in the tenth month, you're eating more solid foods like fruit and veggies, "reading" Pat the Bunny and several other books on a regular basis. You really seem to enjoy bath time, where you splash around with your hands and play with some toys. Mommy and Daddy are into a routine now that includes Mom getting you in the morning, and me putting you to bed most week days, and I love doing it. You are so cute when you're tired. You bury your head in my shoulder as I read you the "Going to Bed Book" and curl up with your blankie you've been sleeping with from pretty early on.

And now, at your eleventh month, a full year from you original due date, you are as sweet as pie. You wave to everybody as we leave the daycare - sometimes even lunging from Daddy's arm toward the teachers you really like. Most of the teachers seem to really like you. Several speak of wanting to hang out with you outside of the daycare.

It's a long and winding road to here, but you are the best in this guy's opinion, and well worth the wait.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Maevy!

Hi Maev- It's your Aunt Suz! I was just thinking about you because I'm sad I won't be able to come to your party this year. I promise I will try to make it next year, though! You are my favorite niece and I LOVE being around you. This is kind of surprising because usually I'm not that into babies. But you are special- so much fun and sooooo cute! You make me really happy, and I'm very proud to be your aunt. My friends make fun of me because I show off pictures of you often :)

I hope you have a great time at your birthday party. I can't believe you will be 1 soon! You are growing up fast, but your parents have done a great job of sharing photos and stories about you to all of your loved ones who live far away. I hope to one day live close to you so we can spend much more time together. Til then, you will have to make a trip to NYC- you'll love it here!

anyways, I love you and miss you, as always
Aunt Suz

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

what's better than a kiss... a headbutt

You are so cute, and when your mother and I are at home with you in the evenings we have often tried to get you to kiss us back. But you will have none of it. We've kissed you and asked to kiss back by sticking our cheeks in front of your mouth. We've kissed a doll and then asked you to do the same. Both of these have ended in a sloppy wet disappointment nearly every time. Early on there were some instances we miss understood the wetness for a successful baby kiss, only to realize later you pretty much licked our faces. You mother was more bummed than I was - she's not big into having her face licked - trust me, I know.

One thing we noticed is that as we leaned in to crowd your space for a peck, you would often block our advances with a drop of the head - resulting in a headbutt. Niice. So at this point we have accepted that as a expression of love. And when I say good night to you downstairs as Mommy takes you up for bath and bedtime, I'll kiss you a couple of times, and frequently request a headbutt by initiating one with you. Generally you agree to the proposition and let Daddy have his small token of good will. Very nice of you. So while a smooch is not an option - at least we are being fed something to keep us complacent. And for, that we thank you.

Love - Daddy

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Discovery Center

Fun times with our friend, Charlie, and Jack (not pictured) at the Discovery Center. We'll definitely be back.

Friday, February 5, 2010

A little night music

We try to listen to music while we sit around the house, instead of watching TV like your Mother & I do a lot. So I put on the 50s or 60s station on the XM sometimes, or a CD or maybe some of my
talk radio during your dinner, or when we think we've been watching too much TV with you around. I have a set of musicians and hosts I prefer, and I hope for two things at once while we listen and dance and eat and hopefully make wonderful memories for you; I hope that you will love the stuff I turn you onto like I do the stuff my Dad played for me. I also pray you will be your own person and go out into the world and find you own musical path to follow.

I tend to stick to pretty basic fare, especially with you still being so young. So I steer clear of anything that might make you upset with loud bangs and heavy chords. So that leaves me with some nice, even songs by groups/ people like the Beatles, Wilco and Ben Folds. And when we are listening to talk it's pretty much the big orange guy - Tony Kornheiser, Howard Stern (the "clean" stuff), and baseball games or sports talk.

In your first 8 months it was baseball, and just about every time I gave you a bath and put you down for bed we had a Washington Nationals baseball game on in the background. Hehehehe. On one hand, I hope it settles into your little ear and finds a home - something you and Daddy can share forever. On the other hand, I just wanted to listen.

Same goes for the other things I have on when we're together. Not sure how your mother is influencing you in this department, but I hope it's not that popular junk like Brittany Spears or Nickleback.

So at some point, when you're a teenager or maybe sooner, you're going to blossom into a discerning listener, and I hope that no matter what it is that pleases you, you follow it. Whether it's a capella, or guitar rock, or symphony or country, or... no that's it. That's all I want you to be into. So as long as it's one of those, we're good. Thanks.

Whatever it is, I love you and want you to be true to what you like.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sick Day- Month Birthday

Yesterday you got kicked out of daycare, not for bad behavior, but because you had a 103.1 temperature. Daddy picked you up immediately and took you home. You took several naps and went to bed early. You're weren't allowed to go back to daycare until you were fever free for 24hours. So you spent your 11-Month Birthday at home. You didn't have a fever all day, but were very clingy and whiny. Mommy took care of you in the morning. Then we stopped by Daddy's work and you all hung out the rest of the afternoon. I think these pics pretty much sum of your day...lots of rest and cuddling. It's a little blurry, but at least there's a little smile.

Where is Baby's Belly Button?

Lately, you've had a favorite activity while getting your diaper changed. It's reading Where is Baby's Belly Button? You "read" it out loud and flip up the pictures. And when you're done, you throw it on the floor. All done!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sippy Cup

Sippy cup- what what! Thank you Sarah B. for the advice last Friday night. This picture was taken the morning of Day 3.

Sorry I jumped ahead. Sometime last week, I realized you were almost 1 year old and we wanted you off the bottle by then. So why not start now? I read all kinds of varying opinions online (put something bad tasting in the bottle, phase out the night time bottle last, etc..) I even talked to several moms to ask their opinions. The ones that hadn't done this recently seem to think that the switch was easy and seamless. Well we tried to just gradually switch and you were not happy. You would drink vegetable stock from a sippy cup, but not milk!

So after talking to Sarah B. (your personal friend and photographer), we (mommy/daddy) decided to go cold turkey with the bottle starting Saturday morning. I was assured that you would not starve from dehydration or lack of formula nutrients, and by day 3, you would get it. And finally, we had to remember, we're the parents! For a long time to come, sorry, but we get to make the decisions.

Saturday morning we explained the situation. Here is this new, exciting cup. If you would like to have some milk, you can drink it from this cup. Let's just say you replied, "Thanks, but no thanks. I will now whine all day long."

By Sunday afternoon you were getting used to it, and by Sunday night you were drinking from the cup just like your bottle. If anything the nighttime sippy cup was the easiest because that's when you really want your milk. It's now Day 5, and you and Mr/Miss Sippy Cup are becoming friends. Yay!

We're so proud of you! We're also extremely excited to not have to wash Dr. Browns bottles and all its infinite parts each night. Yay x 4!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Downtown Nashville Library- our new favorite hang out spot. It was great to get out the house and we spent almost 2 hours there. You're not really into books yet (except for Pat the love this book). So instead you just enjoyed crawling/walking around, pulling books off the shelves, and people watching.

Fun video of Maevy and Daddy playing peek-a-boo.