Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Conversations with a Toddler

Within this last month, you have started to speak in complete sentences, which can be both cute and frustrating when you say, "No, I don't want to (insert something here). You also take everything very literally, which is usually very cute.

Story 1-
A couple weekends ago we were leaving the house to go somewhere and you tripped and fell on the sidewalk. This is a very common occurrence. Your knees and legs are full of "boo-boos". You just popped right up and didn't cry. Daddy said, "You are a tough cookie, Maev." You replied, "No, I am not a tough cookie. I am Maevy Taylor. I'm a big girl!" There was no need to correct you. You were right!
Story 2-
Last weekend while in Memphis, we were at Grandpa and Grandma's house. You found a Raggedy Ann doll that Grandma had on her bed. It was her Grandmother's doll, and it probably looked something like this-

You brought it in the kitchen and said, "I got Grandma's lion from her bed." We continued to tell you that it was not a lion, but Raggedy Ann. You maybe called it Raggedy Ann once, but usually stuck to your original idea. It was a lion! Roar!

Pretty cute Maev...