Friday, September 11, 2015


Over the long Labor Day weekend - on a whim - we decided to do a mini-get-away to Clarksville only 30 minutes away.

You guys packed your own bags :)

Highlights included -
Swimming in the indoor pool with a hot tub!
Dinner at Noodles 'n Company
Frozen Yogurt at Berry Bear for dessert
Movie in bed - where you then put everyone to bed because you were tired and can only fall asleep in the dark with the noise machine on. Oh and you also brought your sleeping bag - in case you were annoyed with Carter in the bed- which worked out great - because you opted to sleep on the floor. More room for me!
Sleeping in
McDonald's pancake breakfast in the room
Playtime at a cool playground near the Cumberland River

Pretty fun to me..hope we can do it again soon!

1st Grade Reading Level

Someone's reading at a 3rd grade level. :) We're super proud of you! You came home stating - "only 10 more till I get to Z!"

I heard that a parent has led a book club for above grade level readers - so I'm hoping you'll be able to join soon!

Keep up the great work, smarty pants!