Thursday, August 29, 2013



A few months ago you and Daddy came up with a list of questions that you wanted to ask all your friends. Daddy wrote out all the questions. You wrote all your friends' names, and then crossed them off after you they answered the quiz. Your questions are adorable.

You also went through a phase where you took a 1st words book with you to school, and kind of did the same thing. The page would be all about colors, and there would be 3 or 4 pictures of red items on the apge. Then you would survey your friend/parent about what item they would pick. I'm not sure how, but sometimes I would pick wrong. :)

All of the above is pretty creative. I like it!

Love you bunches, 


Friday, August 23, 2013

App Designer

Hey Maevy-

(Picture from a recent nail excursion with Aunt Lesley. Purple finger nails; green toe nails; reading Cosmo.)

We had this conversation yesterday on the way home from school.

You: How do you look things up?

Me: You mean on the internet?

You: Yes.

Me: (I attempt to explain google and the internet.)

You: Ok, well when we get home can we look for an app called Hide and Seek? People are hiding and then you double tap on the different places to see if they are hiding there. If they are, then their head or arm pops out. If not, then there's nothing there.

Me: Sure, how did you hear about this app?

You: I made it up.

Me: Oh that's cool.

You: Yeah, and people can hide in different places like at home, the park, or the zoo.

Me: Cool, so how does the app help you decide which location to look in? Does it give you clues?

You: Yeah, it would give you a clue. Like it would show you a hippo, and then you would know to go look at the "Hippo" park. (Hippo park is what we call the park near our house. There's a play-hippo there.)

Me: That's neat. Would it show you the word hippo or the picture?

You: The picture.

Me: What other types of places would people be hiding?

You: the jungle or the aquarium

Me: Very cool. (Then we talked about what place a seahorse would be in (the ocean or the aquarium), etc..)

Then we were home and we told Daddy all about your app. This whole conversation was pretty ingenious to me. Maybe one day you can actually design this app. I can't wait to hear what you invent next!

Love you,


Monday, August 5, 2013

1st Day of Pre-K


Look who's in Pre-K! I can't believe how big you are! A couple weeks ago you asked to get your hair cut. Miss Nicole cut it right below your shoulders. I think it's cute, even though most of the curls at the bottom are gone. Now you are refusing to wear pony tails and only want to wear headbands or put it behind your ears. You still haven't quite mastered this.

Cool things about Pre-K so far-
- You get to play on the red playground.
- You get a whole building to yourself, including a special art room.
- You keep a journal and sign yourself in and out.
- Mommy and Daddy write "love notes" each morning that you get to read at nap time. 

I can't wait to see all the great things you learn in Pre-K. I know you'll be a full-fledge reader in no time. Just last weekend, you read Grandpa, Grandma, and me "Bark, George". I think you have most of it memorized, but you were reading it too! Keep up the good work!

Love you lots-


Sunday, August 4, 2013

1st Gymnastics Open House

It was all of 5 minutes, but you made it through your 1st gymnastics open house. I think all the people and the loud music freaked you out for second, and you almost didn't perform. But once everyone started going the tears went away and you did great.

We've been working on helping you be less shy in public. Just last weekend, you told me that you waved to someone and said hi without being shy. I was very proud. :)

Here's some of your performance-

Your cart-wheel is getting better every week!

Love you,
