Sunday, December 27, 2009

First Christmas

This past Christmas, you were hanging out at Grandpa and Grandma's house. You loved being pushed by your Aunt Lesley and I on this scooter. If you pressed a button, a song would play. You loved pushing this button. You never let the song play the whole way through without pushing it again. It was so funny! Soon you should be able to push yourself. Love you!

-Aunt Robyn

Friday, December 4, 2009

Month 9

Month 9 Stats - 21 lbs, 7 oz.

(I'm not really sure what happened to any or all of our Christmas photos, but this is the only I had on file.)

By this month you were taking a short morning nap, a short late afternoon nap, and a long nap from 12-1pm. You started feeding yourself and the big news this month was that you started walking (or at least taking a couple steps on your own)!

We finally baby proofed the house and installed locks on the cabinets and a gate at the bottom of the stairs. Our favorite songs were still "Maevy-Baby" and "I'm a Little Teapot".

We were also obsessed with the books "Peak-a-boo Who", "Pat the Bunny", and "Where is Baby's Belly Button?".

Your favorite toys this month were your push toy (you got for Christmas), any cell phone, toothbrush, and mommy's brush. And you would start laughing whenever Mommy or Daddy acted like they've been hurt.

Your dislikes were getting your nose wiped and getting in the car seat.

The big event this month was your trip to Memphis. We spent ten days in Memphis for Christmas, and you actually travelled to Memphis with Daddy while Mommy went to New Orleans for a couple days with Grandma, Aunt Lesley, and Aunt Robyn. You were great, of course.

Looking forward to watching you really walk next month!

Month 8

Month 8 Stats
Length?, 21 lbs 7 oz
This month you started standing really well - even walking around the ottoman.  Your sign language skills are coming along well, with "all done", "milk", "bottle", and "more" being the ones you've mastered so far.  Clapping is a big hit for you, as is throwing and slamming toys to the ground. 
We had these next several photos taken professionally to be used as our first Family Christmas Card.  You had some cute moments, but overall were not exactly pleased to be taking pictures instead of a nap.  Grandma & Grandpa were there to be in some, and you really didn't like Santa.  You just wailed when you saw him and this was the "best" of the shoot.

Here you are at the Grandparents house, hanging with a pumpkin.
This one is from Thanksgiving, spent with the Taylors, when we went to the park with your cousins and other family and you swung - and looked like a "pod-baby".
A trip to the zoo with the Wyckoff family was a good time.  Here Aunt Robyn is holding you while Grandpa's hat is on your head.

Here are Grandpa and you on a carousel at the Memphis Zoo.  You seem to like going around in circles and up & down
This tongue thing you do is interesting - it's like you're trying to keep your chin sufficiently moist, which is odd because of how much you drool.
Love you Maevy,