Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sick and Elmo

Elmo- You love this shirt (above) and are currently obsessed with Elmo. Elmo is only 15 minutes and we let you watch it on weekend mornings, although lately you've gotten in the habit of picking up the remote and asking for Elmo everyday.

Sick story- Daddy didn't feel well last Monday, then on Tuesday we found out we all had strep throat. You seemed fine the whole week. Then on Friday you had a bad cough and running nose. I guess with your immune system low you picked up a virus. It was kind of a rough weekend, lots of crying in the middle of night and medicine. Sunday you slept in a little in the morning, but didn't have a great nap. Late in the afternoon Daddy tried to snap a picture of you and said, "No Daddy, no smile."

Then you told him "nap", grabbed his hand and climbed the stairs. We didn't ask questions, just gave you a kiss, and let you take a late afternoon nap. So sweet...I can't believe you put yourself to bed.

Love you, Mommy.