Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Year 4 - Audrey's Last Day

 It was a unique year - where most of the summer was spent playing at home and swimming in our "pools." I think you guys visited Tony's pool, the Y pool, Shelby park a few times, and the Zoo once. Audrey came up with theme weeks that included baking, tie dye, and experiments. There was lots of hide n seek, games, and nerf battles. One week- while Carter was gone -you guys binged the entire series of The Office. Goodness. I still think it was good summer, despite the pandemic!

We love Audrey!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Tomato Arts Fest 2020

It was a very different Tomatofest parade, but we still went! You and Lucie hung from the sunroof, woo-hooed, and made the TF instagram!


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

1st Day of 6th Grade - Virtually

 Desk hasn't arrived yet...you would probably be on the floor anyway!