Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010 Round-Up

 On your new tricycle, courtesy of Pop and M. You seriously cannot ride on this thing without smiling.
 Drawing with Pop on your new art table.
 A very fun bubble bath with Aunt Suz
 Reading your new personalized book (from Aunt Suz), all about your name, with M.
 Matching Nationals shirts!
 Christmas Eve mass with the Wyckoffs
 Arts and crafts time with Grandma and Grandpa
 Christmas Day at Great-Aunt Lyn's...naptime/horsie time with M
 Reading your new Robot book from Aunt Les
Merry Christmas Maevy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Chatty Maevy

It was just a couple weeks ago that I noted you were saying a lot of phrases. Now you are speaking in sentences, and you seem obsessed with pointing out all the words and objects you know. We don't always understand you, but here are a few we've recently deciphered.

Uh-oh, I dropped it!
Sit down Mommy or Sit down Daddy (This might be your first sentence. You figured out how to boss us around pretty early.)

The following three sound very similar-
Snow (We had our first snow of the season last week and it was on the ground for a couple days.)

Lights; more lights (You've known light for a long time, but you've had fun driving around with Daddy after school looking at Christmas lights.)

Colors- You've definitely got blue and green down. You know yellow, orange, red, and purple as well, but you don't point them out as often.

Shapes- I think you know most of your shapes, but you haven't started saying them yet. And all circles look a lot like balls!

One last story- The babysitter at the church nursery noted last week that you were very good at puzzles. I've thought this as well, and we should probably get you some more. Lately we've been spreading out all the puzzles on the floor. Then we have all the pieces in a pile or box. You pick them up one by one and place them in the appropriate puzzle. We have one puzzle with shapes and family members on the puzzle board. The oval piece goes on M, the triangle piece goes on Mommy, etc... Yesterday without even looking at the puzzle, you picked up the oval piece and said, "M!" I thought that was pretty smart.

We're looking forward to hearing what you say next and doing lots more puzzles with you! Love- Mommy

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Lately you've stringing together 2-3 words. They are usually very deliberate and ridiculously cute.

Some of our favorites-
Thank you, Mommy
Thank you, Daddy
Hello/Bye-Bye Mommy
Hello/Bye-Bye Daddy
More pasta
More bnana (banana)
All done (pronounced ahh doe)
My book, snack, diaper, baby, hat

Also whenever you are in the car, there's lots of singing-
the name song...which usually is henry, henry, henry...HENRY!
issy bissy (itsy-bitsy spider)

Book Nook

Last Friday Daddy and I picked you up from school for a special Holiday luncheon. When I came into your classroom you were sitting down reading a book in the reading nook. Miss Marissa, your teacher, said it was your favorite spot and asked if I had seen a new picture of you that was on the wall. The picture shows you surrounded with all the books pulled off the shelf. Miss Marissa said that's your favorite thing to do- pull all the books off and read. I noted that I thought this was great. Added bonus it creates a little barrier between you and your classmates. Everyone needs alone time.

I've also noticed that you've been wanting to read books to Daddy and I recently. We try to read them to you, and you say "No Mommy/Daddy...mine." As long you are reading, we don't really care if you get the words right. Let's hope your love for books lasts forever.