Monday, August 23, 2010

Weekend Round Up

A couple funny stories from the weekend-

Saturday night we headed over to a friend's house for playtime and dinner. You and Charlie were so cute playing together. I think he even gave you your first kiss (on the mouth!) You practiced your animals sounds together and even played in the bath together.Earlier in the night, I was reading Charlie a book and Charlie's mom, Kate, was reading you a book, which happened to be an Elmo book. I didn't realize it was an Elmo book, but all of sudden I heard you saying, "El-mo" and pointing at Elmo. I was shocked. I didn't know you knew who Elmo was! You don't watch tv and don't have any Elmo books or toys at home. I told the story to your teacher at school this morning and she thinks it's because a lot of diapers have Elmo on them...and sometimes they'll give the kids a clean diaper to play with while they change diapers. Well I guess when you finally do watch Sesame Street, you'll have 1 character down. (Oh dear...)

Sunday we headed to the Frist Museum for Family Free Day. It was crazy busy, but it's always fun to see free art. After we made a craft and went through all the exhibits we headed outside to play in the fountain and get a free ice cream sandwich. (Daddy found the sandwiches.) You were unsure of the ice cream sandwich at first, but quickly started taking huge bites and then running back to the fountains. The pool of water and bench is tall enough that you have to get on your tippy toes to touch the water. I think Mommy and Daddy were both thinking you were probably going to fall in...and sure enough you did! We were right next to you and picked you right up, but you were soaked. The funniest part was A. you didn't cry at all and B. the second you popped up and caught your breath you opened your mouth toward the ice cream sandwich for a bite. We had to leave quickly afterward because other little girls were asking if they could get in the fountain.

We heard a couple of these conversations-

Little girl: "Mommy, can I get in the fountain?"
Mommy: "No, you can't get in the fountain."
Little girl: "But she got in the fountain."
Mommy: "I don't think she meant to get in the fountain."

We'll have to work on setting a better example next time.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tomato Festival 2010


Today we headed to our neighborhood festival, the Tomato Festival. This is your second one and this year Aunt Lesley made you a cute tomato-themed dress. You received lots of compliments.

Mommy started the morning by running in the 5k. Then you had breakfast at Bongo Java with Grandpa and Daddy. We participated in the New Orleans-style parade, and danced with the band afterward.Luckily we brought the spray bottle and lots of water for the heat. After the parade we found a bouncy house-

Then after nap time, we went back out in the 100 degree weather, but ate lunch inside at Rumours.
Daddy tested his strength at the Tomato Olympics and we enjoyed some ice cream at Pied Piper.

Everywhere we saw dogs and you kept pointing them out.

After we headed home, you and Grandpa played in the sprinkler.

It was a hot, long day, but you were great and we had a wonderful day celebrating the tomato... a uniter, not a divider.