Monday, December 31, 2018

Xmas 2019

For Xmas -

We made it through mass. For your last year in the Nativity play, you were a wonderful Mary, reader, and presenter of baby Jesus. 

You are in love with your phone, the fort, books, and new hoodie. Then we headed to Memphis to see family. We had a fun day downtown with Aunt Anna and Jules- Schwab's, a milkshake and the trolley. Then lots of Cece, Jackson, and Zeina time too.

At home, we headed to an indoor pool, then pizza in the suburbs!

Phew! We made it! Merry Xmas! Oh and we did another puzzle- you are a puzzle genius! We couldn't have done it without you!

Finally - we had a kids Minute to Win It party on NYE. It was fun, and you had 3 friends - Silas, Violet, Ainsley..and Carter had friends too. About half way through- you and your friends were too cool for school, and decided to hang in your room. Oh well - no wining for you, only participation medals!

Then lastly - before you headed back to school - you asked to get haircut. I was surprised, but it looks great! Hoodie again!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Tiny House

Phew- this project is finally done! Your Encore project this semester involved setting a challenge/goal for your yourself, and you chose creating a Tiny House model for homeless people to live in. You had a mentor that helped you and spent lots of hours on your model and poster.

We're so proud of you! It turned out great!

You even wore a shirt with houses on it - on presentation day. :)

Saturday, December 8, 2018

No Shopping, Shopping Trip

So after your piano recital - that you did great at -we headed to DSW. I needed some new boots and you wanted to come with. You spent the entire time trying on shoes, taking selfies, making vlogs...then you declared it the best time ever, and that we should do this more - go to stores, try on stuff, take pictures, and not buy anything.

You're hilarious! Glad you had such a good time. We'll do it again soon.

We'll need to talk about your choices...

Thursday, December 6, 2018

4th grade Field trips

Trip to ice skate with Shelby CC-

You are still horrible at ice skating :)

Trip to Chattanooga with the entire 4th grade!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thanksgiving 2019

Here's your recap-

Thanksgiving - kind of stay-cation. Grandma and Grandpa were still in New York. You got to "work" in Mom's office, had friends come over for brunch, took naps, played outside, did a puzzle, saw a movie on T-day, visited the new TN State Museum, went to hibachi, date night with Mommy to see Little Mermaid, killed it in some tether ball, put up our Xmas tree, and went to a fun interactive art exhibit with friends!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Fall fun + Halloween


For the Book Character parade- you just found a book that had an angel in it...

Then later that night - you were still an angel. The whole idea being that Ainsley would be the devil and you an angel. You opted to trick-or- treat with your friends and even stopped by Violet's for her party.

With the Warrens...
 With Lucie Jane and Ainsley -
 With Lucie Jane and Violet
 At LDC movie night...

Then last weekend -we headed to Honeysuckle farm on their last open day. The weather was great- and you had great time exploring everything, and even helping June try the zip line. We all tried funnel fries, and we all loved them - especially thee powdered sugar. :)

Fun times!