Sunday, June 16, 2013

Memphis Vacation


You just got home from a week long vacation by yourself in Memphis. Mom and Dad missed you like crazy, but it sounds like you had a great time.

Here are some highlights from your week with Grandma & Grandpa- 

Vacation Bible School- everyday at OLPH
- You learned all about Mary, including several songs, and the Hail Mary
- You've asked to say the Hail Mary every night at dinner time since.

Swim Lessons - everyday at Miss Michelle's
- You learned the ice cream scoop stroke, the froggy stroke, and how to pick up sticks

- You went swimming almost every night.
- You even got to eat pizza dinner at pool- your request!
- You made French Toast for dinner from your own cookbook with Grandma.
- You watched Carebears, the Movie, and Mickey Mouse and Beanstalk (You are still obsessed with this movie).
- One day you were kind of sick; so you got to take the day off from VBS.
- You only called us twice, and only cried 1 random time for Mommy.
- You got to spend Friday night and most of Saturday with M and Pop.
 - Grandma did a Pre-K and Kindergarten screening on you. Shocker, you got 100% on the PK test, and a 98% on the Kindergarten test.  (Nice work, Maevy!)

To top it all off, you even it made in the Commercial Appeal news article about VBS.

We're so glad you had fun, and can't until next year. :)



Monday, June 3, 2013



I've mentioned several times before that when it comes to story-telling, singing songs, and creativity I credit your dad with those genes. Well uncreative Mom recently came up with this quick song, inspired by you as I was holding you, all curled up in a ball, after books, and before bedtime. Here are the lyrics-

Maevy-ball, Maevy-ball sitting in a tree
Kiss on her nose
Kiss on her the cheek
Kiss on the shoulder
Now go to sleep

(To the tune of The K-I-S-S-I-N-G Song)

Well lo and behold, you love this song. You sing it all the time, and ask me to sing it whenever I put you to bed. You also made up your own version where you silently sing it to yourself (while I act like I'm sleeping), then switch the last line to "Now wake up!"

Clearly you are a big fan of yourself; so it doesn't take much to impress you. Glad you like my silly song.

