Friday, March 20, 2015

Encore Writings

This semester in Encore - you all are focusing on "Storytelling" -

Here are some of your stories -

Little Red Writing Hood - 
 Picture of Little Red Writing Hood -
 Comic of Little Red Writing Hood -

Inspired by the Three Little Pigs - Original Story called The Funny Fight - 
 Pop -Up Book of Three Little Pigs -
Cover -
Left side of the pop-up book -   (it's hard to scan in a pop-up book)
Right side of the pop-up book - 
 Pretty cute and creative. We love it!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Fun Run Report

Report from Daddy regarding the Fun Run today: 

She’s no speed demon.  She walked two of the three laps she did, and cried for half the last one with the cramps.  She was a mess when I left.

Post-run picture, in tears, due to leg cramping. 

LDC has a running club and they recently had sign ups. I asked if you wanted to join.
Your response - "No! Do you know how long they have to run!?"

End of conversation. It's okay mini-Amy, maybe you'll be interested exercise in college. That's when I started. :) In the meantime, we'll just praise your participation!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

6th Birthday!

It's birthday party time. Even though it snowed earlier in the week, the weather was sunny and warm for your birthday party.

Party attendees: Margot, Millie, Lois, Brynn, Laoise, M, Pop, Aunt Suz, and Juliana

You and I came up with a great list of activities -

1. Decorate bug houses

2. Go on bug hunt

3. Record bug hunt observations in journals

4. Snack - nutella/sticks, applesauce, and raisins
5. Circuit bugs provided by Aunt Lesley

6. Cake

7. Touch a live bug (your idea!)

8. Bug pictionary
Random cute pic of Carter swinging with Pop -
Additional presents from M & Pop included - a kid spa set, a cute pink dress, and make your headband set.

I think everyone had a great time at your party. I hope you did too. Love you buggie!

- Mommy

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Snow Day

This is a first - 4 inches the day after your birthday!

We spent a little bit of time outside, but neither you nor your brother really love snow.

 Baking by Maevy and Carter -
 Our Snow Day to-do list that we came up with -
4pm - Snowman made with Daddy - (Dad and I aren't very good snowman makers)
 With some additional accessories added -
 Happy Snow Day!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Happy 6th Birthday!

Happy 6th Birthday Maevy!

It's not really sinking in yet, but I feel like 6 is way more "grown-up girl" than 5. This morning you were very excited to see a the birthday banner put up, a couple helium balloons, and some presents waiting for you in the dining room. 

It's Read-a-thon week at school, and today was -"Dress what you want to be when you grow up". I suggested you dress like me! Why not? And it wouldn't require an elaborate costume. I suggested the above, somewhat professional looking dress. We rehearsed the following - 

Teacher: Maevy- what you are dressed up as?
Maevy: My mommy.
Teacher: What does your Mommy do?
Maevy: Regulatory Compliance
Teacher: What does that mean?
Maevy: She helps to make sure people follow laws and rules. 

Of course by the time we got to school, you had forgotten the words - "Regulatory Compliance" and kept repeating them to yourself over and over again like a crazy person. I suggested that I just write them in your "agenda" book. 

Presents so far -
From Mom and Dad - (2) bug-related books, make-up pouch, make-up, and electric pencil sharpener - that you seemed most excited about. (See video below)

From Grandma & Grandpa - a flower press and butterfly larvae kit
From Aunt Robyn & Uncle Jake - a pretend school kit - (something Mommy loved doing!)
(Carter was super excited about all of it. First thing he said this morning was - It's Maevy birthday! I like her balloons. They are pretty. Where's Carter's balloon? Then later - Where's my presents?)
Meal plan for the birthday girl - 
Breakfast - bowl of cereal, pancake, and mini-chocolate chip muffin (you made a batch last to share with the class)
Lunch - sack lunch with chicken nuggets, applesauce, cottage cheese, fruit leather, and pickle
Dinner - out at Five Points Pizza

Not a ton has changed this last year, but here's your annual update - 

Things you love:
1. TV & Movies - Yes - still love this. Much to my chagrin you and your brother discovered youtube.

2. Singing & Dancing - Yes - still love this. Currently - you love dancing and singing to Taylor Swift, but also still love Frozen. I love it when both you and your brother do the complete movie choreography along with the movie.

3. Plays, Musicals, Museums - Yes - still love this. You always see the NCT shows and this year attended your first Drama Camp and several Drama Days at NCT. This summer you'll get to attend camp at the Frist, and we're members of the Adventure Science Center - just last weekend you and Daddy built a birdhouse in their Tinkering Garage.

4. Star Wars - Yes, but not currently obsessed. Most recently we've been watching movies from Chapter books we've read like - Charlie and Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, and Pippi Longstocking

5. New this year - Sleepovers-  These have been happening for often, and are always excited to either have people over or spend the night out. So far- they've all gone well...except last weekend when you decided to wake up Margot and come upstairs at 3am and tell me that you all decided to get dressed. I was not happy. 

6. Piano- After lots of discussion, you decided to quit gymnastics and start piano lessons. So far you love going to lessons and have been keeping up with your assignments and practice.

Things you are good at:
1. Reading - Yes, very! Last weekend, we discovered audio books at the library where you can listen and read along with the book at the same time. You knocked out a 27 chapter book by Sunday afternoon - while reading in your room, you would yell out the Chapter # each time you started a new one.

2. Puzzles & Games- Yes- still enjoy these, but we need to make it a goal to do more of them with you. You and Carter going to bed at the same time has jeopardized some of our puzzle and game time.

3. Writing - Yes, very! I need to post some of the stories you've been writing in Encore. They are so creative and well thought out. Just last weekend - you made a sign for your brother - that said "Keep out! No toddlers allowed, only zebras!"

4. Climbing - Yes, very! This year Daddy became a certified bole/rope guy, and has been trying to take you Climb Nashville once a month. You're a little young to take classes there, but maybe next year!

5. Sleep - Hands down you beat your brother on this one. Most nights you are asleep before your brother. Most mornings you wake up after your brother. And a common jealousy among our friends, is that you will still occasionally take a nap on the weekends. Both Mom and Dad love how good you are at sleeping. :)

Things you don't like-
1. Corn, beans, avocado, and grapes - adding pretty much all fruit- except bananas and strawberries (not cool)
2. Getting your hair brushed - still true
3. Your brother coming in your room, especially when you have a friend over
4. Your brother messing up anything you are playing with or working on (this is understandable - he can be a punk sometimes)

Maevy - you remain a sweet, thoughtful, well-behaved, and very smart girl. And as much as a pain that Carter can be sometimes, he really does love you, and you him. I think one of his favorite moments of the day is when he gets to go in your room before bedtime and give kisses. If he had it his way, he would give you a kiss on the mouth. You usually only allow him to give you a kiss on forehead. Either way - it's still very sweet.  

Looking forward to your BUG birthday party this weekend...and another great year with the brightest little 6 year old I know!

Love you- 
