Monday, March 4, 2013

4th Birthday

Happy Birthday Maevy! I cannot believe you are 4 years old, and about to be a Pre-k student. Just crazy...

You have seriously been talking about your birthday and birthday party for months now; so I hope it lived up to all the hype.

This year you picked a Fairy themed party, inspired by Peter Pan and/or Tinkerbell, the movie. Plus you just really love wearing wings.
(Pippa, Zoe, Birthday Girl, Margot, Lily)

You also picked the colors, the invitation, the cake, what you wore that day, what (4) friends you invited, the birthday iron-sticker to wear to school and the balloons. Mom ordered the special fairy cake topper, made the funfetti cake, and organized the birthday party crafts. Grandma helped at the party. Daddy and Grandpa took Carter to the grocery store during the party; so the fairies could rule the house.
 Mommy and Daddy's birthday present to you was tickets to see Cathy Rigby's Peter Pan at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center. We took Grandma as our special guest. We had a lot of fun, and you thought the funniest part was when Nana, the dog, crossed her paws.  We also got you a few fairy books.

Some fun stories from your party -

- You were the winner (althought I didn't tell anyone) at the fairy dust relay. You had your technique down to filling up your spoon and putting your hand underneath to catch any dust and pouring it carefully into your container. Yours was the most full at the end of the race. :)

- At one point, you wanted to play with a stuffed animal that your friends were playing with and Grandma told you to share. You then collapsed on the living chair, declaring to Grandma that you wanted all of your friends to leave the party.

- Soon after everyone left the party, you told us you wished everyone was still at our house.

- While singing Happy Birthday, Lily declared that she wanted to lick the bottom of the fairy cake topper. Grandma told everyone that it was just a cake topper and no one would lick it. You still remember this and have told me about it 4 times this week.

- At one point, all the girls were underneath the table and you said you guys were "table- fairies". Of course!

Other fun facts -

- Grandma got you some BOB books and every night this week, we've read 3 BOB books, along with our 4 regular books. You are doing great sounding out the words and recognizing several sight words. I'm impressed!

- Mommy went to a parent-library work shop recently and they recommended doing collective storytelling at home (basically one person starts the story, then next person continues, and so on.) We stared this at dinner time and lots of times you ask to do it. It's hilarious to see what you come up with!

- Daddy never ceases to amaze me with his awesome story telling skills, and recently he told you a shortened version of the movie E.T. You loved it, and have asked for it several times since. You now describe E.T. as having a bulbous head and can reenact the Reeses Pieces scene. 

-  You love to dance. I would say your style is interpretative. I was telling Daddy the other day that your exposure to dance has been mostly through musical theater; so it's not surprising that your dance moves reflect that. The other night I came home from a run to find you dancing by yourself (jelly shoes on...they are the best for slipping/twirling) to the Once on This Island soundtrack (which Daddy had put on really loud). It was super cute.
- You love Carter so much that you sometimes you say he is your boyfriend and that eventually you two will get married. Recently Mommy and Daddy went out to dinner for a date, and you said that when you grow up you and Carter will go out on dates. Maybe you guys won't be married, but I do hope you guys go out on brother-sister dinner dates.

- And finally, you are becoming quite the know-it-all. If we tell you something more than once or it's something you already know, you will often reply- "I know that Mom!" or "You already told me that. I know that, Mom!" Well...excuse me!

Love you Maevs. Here's to another great year!
