Thursday, August 14, 2014

Kindegarten Notes

Hi Maevy-

Here's your 1st day of Kindergarten note that Daddy wrote you. You, of course, forgot about it and didn't read it until you go home.
Since we aren't doing love notes anymore, Mommy still wanted to give you a little note or something each day. I found some downloadable jokes and a Kindergarten and 1st grade vocavulary list. So each day - you get a joke and a vocab word. Mom or Dad uses the vocab word in a sentence and signs the note.
Kindergarten seems to be very busy because you rarely remember to read the note each day. Oh well - we'll keep trying and or at the very least read the note after dinner each day.

Love you lots,


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

1st Day of Kindergarten

Maevy-girl -

The day is here! It's your first day of Kindergarten at Lockeland Design Center!

Lots of navy and khaki jumpers - check!
Lots of color polo shirts - check!
A couple cardigans - check!
New backpack - check!
School supplies - check!

You met your teacher, Mrs. Boles, and found your desk last night at Popsicles on the Porch. Most of the Holly Street Pre-K kids ended up in Mrs. Walker's class, but you do know already know a couple other friends - Loise and Mickey. Plus you'll still get to hang out with the Holly Street kids at aftercare.

This morning you came out of your room for breakfast all dressed and with your backpack on. It was pretty cute. We got to school way too early, with enough time to wander around and even play on the playground.  You seemed ready to get things started and not all at nervous. I've been telling you for weeks that most days, you'll get dropped off in the cafeteria and be able to eat a 2nd breakfast; so you were a little bummed that we weren't doing the normal routine. You really wanted that 2nd breakfast. :)

Last story - Shocker, Mommy is already turning you into an over-achiever. I asked your teacher last night if she wanted us to bring in the list of books you read off the Summer Reading List. She said sure - so we spent last night reviewing them all and marking the ones that you read yourself and the ones that Mommy/Daddy read. Your memory was amazing, and it was kind of fun talking about the books/plots that we remember. You proudly gave it to Mrs. Boles this morning.

Obligatory 1st day of school photos -

In front of our house -

With Carter -

In front of the school -

On the playground - posing -

At your desk -
Happy 1st Day of Kindergarten! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you, and know you'll do great!

Love you lots,
