Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pre-Terrible Twos Follow-Up

Turns out you had an ear infection. Sorry Maev, but you are all better now. You still throw some fits and don't like when you don't get your way. But you are back to eating and seem much happier. We're looking forward to when you can communicate that your ear hurts and we can get you better sooner.

In other news, it seems we have a big girl in training.

Step 1- Big Girl Chair
For most meals now, you prefer to eat in your big girl chair. And look at you using your fork!
Step 2- Big Girl Bathtub
As much we love your baby to toddler bathtub, it was time to retire it. You weren't sitting in it properly and it was becoming a problem. We got a mat for the tub, and now you have as much room as you want.

I hope Step 3 is Potty Training. :)