Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Prayer Hands

Over the weekend, Mommy was working on the grocery list and Daddy was talking to Pop on the phone. You wanted to play and I suggested that you have tea party with your new favorite friend/stuffed animal, "Mr. Bear" and your doll, that you named Dita. You had everyone sitting at your play kitchen table. Everyone had some "food" and a tea cup.

You sat down at the table, and then we saw you tell everyone it was time for a prayer, and then put your hands together for your prayer. It was super cute and a moment I'm glad Daddy and I caught. Whenever we sit down to eat together, we always say our dinner prayer and you've gotten pretty good at doing the Sign of the Cross. A very cute Catholic in training...

The picture above is you shoving a huge spoonful of ice cream in your mouth. We've been really pushing the special treats if you don't have any accidents at school. This was one of those days. You opted to add a some cereal as a topping. Yum!?

Love you, Maev.