Friday, November 8, 2013

1st Mad Libs


Last weekend, we headed to the Nashville Children's Theater to see Schoolhouse Rock Live! Then you got to see it again with your class later in the week.

We learned all about nouns, adjectives, the 19th amendment, and how a bill becomes a law. In the program there was MadLibs game. You (with Daddy's help) came up with the words later that night after dinner. 

Here is the final story-

Today when I woke up, I was so excited because I remembered I was going to the land of make believe to see Schoolhouse Rock Live! But I almost didn’t make it. Let me tell you the books. As soon as I woke up, I conversely jumped out of my noun and put on my pizza and my yellow shoes. I ate a brown breakfast of rainbow and skittles. As I was leaving my house, I found two Poppy dollars on the buffet. I ran easily to the park so I could give them to Margot. But when I got there, all I could find was muddy, toothy, warm bear! I thought it was going to dance me! I quickly escaped from the bear only to find a pack of loving rabid stuffed animals! I threw some drinks at them to try and distract them. It didn’t work! Instead, they dressed me all the way to Nashville Children’s Theater. But hey, at least I made it on time for the pasta

You die laughing at the ..."put on my pizza" and "made it on time for the pasta" parts. 
Pretty silly, but I think you know what a noun and adjective are now. :)

Love you,


1st Love Note


When you started Pre-K, parents were asked to write love notes to their children daily, as a way to encourage reading. These are usually read at nap time. Above is Daddy's 1st Love note, and probably his shortest one ever. Since then the love notes have gotten a lot longer; so much so that Daddy usually writes them the night before. Now loves notes include a word of the day and sometimes- song lyrics, a movie plot, a made-up story, or a joke.

Mommy will occasionally write, but they are never as creative as Daddy's. You, of course, love the long notes, and like to demand that they are a full page long. One thing I did start, is signing Carter's name with an animal. He's usually Carter-koala, Cart-dog, Carter-kangaroo, or today he was Carter-piggie.

Here's a more recent love note-

Daddy has decided to tell you Star Wars triology via love note. Also he started including a Word of the Day. If you remember the Word of the Day when we pick you up, we give you praise and usually offer a small treat, like a skittle.

The example below is one of many reason why you have a pretty awesome Daddy!

Side note: Since you are one of the 1st people in your class to arrive at school, you have some extra time in the morning. Lately, you have used that time to decorate your love note with pictures. You noted that the one above didn't give you much room to decorate. 

Love you and your love notes-
