Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow Round 1

 Snow Day 1 -
 Snow Day 3

Snow Day 1 - it barely snowed
Snow Day 2 - really no snow
Snow Day 3 - ok - it snowed 9 inches!

You had fun spent lots of time sledding down our slide. Next year we get you some waterproof gear!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

2nd Quarter - 1st Grade Report Card

Maevy -

Here's your 2nd quarter - 1st grade report card. I can't ask for a better report card - all Es and a very sweet note from your teacher.

From Ms. Young - Maevy continues to work hard in first grade! She is a fluent reader and writer and a great participant in her weekly Book Club. She excel in math and enjoys sharing her problem-solving strategies with her peers. Keep it up, Maevy. :)

There was 1 thing that I noticed that went from a 3 to 2 - so I asked Ms. Young and she said it was a mistake. She's going to fix it in the system. :) Sometimes being a crazy Mom pays off - I like accurate records!

Keep up the great work!

Love you!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Winter Break Writing

Monday, January 4, 2016

Puppet Show

One of the Christmas gifts we left at Grandma's house - was a new indoor tent, that doubles has a puppet show theater. This inspired you (and Carter) to come up with some original theater.

Here are your invites, signs, and your first script -

blue - Prince
green - Dragon
pink - princess
Guard of Castle *
Princess: Help! A dragon has captured me!
Dragon: Hey! Since she's tied up - I will go to my labatory.
Prince: Wait? What was that noise? Let me go figure it out!

Guard: No trespassing.
Prince: Then let's have sword fight.
ching ching wa 
Guard: Ah!
Prince: Let me go save that maiden. 
Princess: Ahh, help!
Prince: Ching - your unleashed!
Princess: Thank you (almost kiss)
Dragon: So it's you again!
Prince: Yes! Stand back! Take our your sword!

Ching wawa done
Prince: Let go my lady!
Clip-a-ty clop
Clip-a-ty clop
Close curtains
A little later

The end. Bows from the puppets..and director, writer, producer, etc...

Star Wars Update

Here are your notes from your Star Wars viewing - It's like you are live-tweeting before knowing what live-tweeting is...

You apologized to Daddy for the sloppiness - it was dark in there!

Is that Darth Vader 2.0? Who is that? What's going on? What is that?

Who is that? Is he good or bad? What? Is that Leia? Where is she going? Is she a slave?

Is she saw? But why are they in there? Death star...glasses? What's he doing?

I don't know what's going on? A what? Is Anikan good?

Who does they saving everyone? What's the resistance?

But he's not guessing it? Is he being nice or mean?

But I haven't seen Luke. Why is he bad? Why is Leia shivering?

Why is Luke bad? What's happening...ohhh

Is that Luke...because I don't think so. 

Christmas 2015

Here's Christmas 2015 Round up -

This was the first we went the actual holiday in Nashville. You performed in the Children's Chrismas Eve mass - as a sheep, even wearing your new sheep-inspired vest, hoodie. You did great, and even brought up the gifts.

Christmas Eve App Dinner

Letter to Santa
 Reply from Santa

Santa brought you a new National Geogrphic Almanac!
Presents from the family -

This year you got lots of chapter books - The Lemonade War series, Just Grace series, Frankly Frannie series, (3) Disney Princess Lego sets, a couple family games, Snap Circuits, and a scooter! What a great Christmas!

We left for Memphis the day after Christmas and the week featured fun activies like -
Bass Pro Shop visit with bowling
Art date with Pop
Legos with Grandma
Puppet-making with Grandma
Sleep-over at M & Pop's house
Sky Zone with Aunt Lesley and Carter

When we got home, we saw The Good Dinosaur movie - as a family and you spent lots of time on that scooter!

Merry Christmas!


Mommy and Daddy