Friday, April 22, 2022

7th grade - Track

Surprisingly - you tried out and made the track team. I have no pictures, but we spent lot of cold night - watching you cheer on your teammates and run for a few minutes. We were really proud of your dedication - and you were even named captain!

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Spring for real + Easter

We headed to Memphis for Elena's Make a Wish party and to meet your new cousin - Victoria!

Grandma had Chef Gail come to make pizzas for the whole family.
Dad won the raffle at work and got the on the ice + Lexus lounge seats!
Random day off from school- putt putt and cotton candy!
Audrey's shower - I volunteered you to keep track of the gifts. :)

Easter- the girls went to mass while the boys volunteered at the Nashville Rescue Mission. You were a little rusty and made the sign of the cross over only your face!
