Sunday, March 4, 2012

3rd Birthday

Happy 3rd Birthday Maevy!

 I can't believe you are already 3. I'm not even sure if you are considered a toddler anymore. I guess you are officially a big girl.
On Saturday afternoon you helped Mommy and Daddy finish up your big girl room. The transition was super easy. For weeks now, you've been loving the reading corner. And so far, you haven't fallen out of your big, queen sized bed. You also enjoy picking (2) stuffed animals to sleep with for naps or bedtime from your stuffed animal net.

On Sunday, we had your Birthday-Tea Party. You invited 2 special girl friends, Celeste and Zoe. You drank "tea" (hot chocolate), had heart-shaped peanut butter sandwiches, and bananas and strawberries. Then you had tea pot shaped cake pops for dessert.

 Afterwards, you all ran around the house like crazy and I had to tempt you all downstairs with Cinderella, the movie. You watched about 30 minutes of it, and then Daddy took you all outside to play in the backyard and take some pictures.

 Mommy and Daddy gave you several books and the Cinderella movie, which you finished after the birthday party was over. You asked during the movie, "When this is finished, can we read the Cinderella book?"
Also on Sunday, you helped Mommy make strawberry-yogurt popsicles for your school birthday treat. We used vanilla yogurt and frozen strawberries that you helped picked last May! Your teachers said they were a big hit. They even took a video, but said it was kind of boring because everyone was just eating them.

Overall I think you had a great birthday. You love telling everyone that you are 3, and at another recent birthday, you went around to all the parents saying, "I'm big!"

You are such a sweet 3 year old, constantly giving hugs to your family, friends and even your friends' parents. Even though you're not my baby anymore, I'll still always love snuggling up with you to read a book or 10. Mom and Dad are both looking forward to seeing you grow up even more this year, and taking on a new role- Big Sister!

Happy Birthday pumpkin! Love you!

- Mommy

PS. We might need to work on your goofy smile. See above for proof.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cowardly Lion

Hey Maev-

You are still pretty obsessed with The Wizard of Oz. Every night you ask that we tell you "the Glinda the Good Witch story" which is just a shortened version of the Wizard of Oz story- the Glinda parts only. This morning while you were eating your breakfast, Daddy was nice enough to pull up a couple you tube videos on his phone from The Wizard of Oz. Mesmerized by the clips, it was very easy to get you dressed and ready for the day.

At one point, Mommy and Daddy were getting dressed. You were in the dining room watching the Cowardly Lion scene. Then we heard laughing, followed by "No...silly lion, we don't wipe our tears with our tails!" Then you came into the bedroom to repeat, "The Cowardly Lion was wiping his tears with his tail. That's silly! We don't do that!"

Very cute Maev...and very true. We don't wipe our tears with our tails.

Love you,
