Monday, August 29, 2011

Art Lover

Over the weekend we were in Memphis.  You, Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Anna, Uncle JR, and M all went out for a late lunch/snack at Memphis Pizza Cafe, one our favs. You were enjoying your frozen yogurt, and somebody mentioned a visit to Chicago and how they saw an Andy Warhol exhibit. Daddy and I spoke up and told them about the Andy Warhol exhibit in Nashville. As we were talking,  you spoke up and said, "I saw Andy Warhol too!"

You were totally right. We took you with us to The Frist to see it. You played with the "silver-balloons" and we even talked about the self-portrait above. I'm so impressed that you remembered, and I'm looking forward to seeing many more art exhibits with you!

Love, Mom

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I had another proud moment the other day when we were flipping through the channels, I stopped on the show, Spongebob Squarepants. Here's our conversation:

Mommy: Maevy, do you know who that is?
Maevy: Cheese!
Mommy: Yep, looks like cheese to me. 

Right now your tv viewing is still limited to Elmo's World on Sesame Street, Curious George, and we just introduced you to Mommy's favorite, Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. (It's a little dated, and it only comes on once a week, but we're still trying it out.)

Monday, August 15, 2011

1st Day of School

Congrats Maevy! Today is a big day. Today you moved to the "Red Building" to the T-4 classroom. Since everyone else is starting school this week, I thought we would also act like it was your first day of school, pictures and all. Ms. Alex decided to move up with you and you'll also have a new teacher, Mr. Chae. Your new classroom is much bigger than T-3, and now that you're bigger, you get to play on big girl/boy playground with swings and a sandbox!
 (nice pose)
We're so proud of you. Keep up the good work! Love- Mommy & Daddy

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dooty Booty


"Dooty-booty" kind of haunts me in my sleep...just kidding. A couple months ago when you were first starting to potty train, your teacher, Ms. Alex, said the phrase "dooty-booty" while cleaning up some poopy panties. I don't know if it was a take on dirty-booty or what, but you latched onto this phrase. And now our lives are filled with "dooty-booty". You think it's the funniest thing, and you often start or end your sentences with "dooty-booty".

Common phrases are:
"mommy dooty-booty"
"daddy dooty-booty"
"maevy dooty-booty"
"I'm going to (insert anything here) mommy-daddy dooty-booty."

I love when you laugh at anything, but I'll be happy when you grow out of dooty-booty.

Love, dooty-booty mommy

Nashville Explorer

Hi Maevy-

It's been a while. Above is a family picture of us at the Ryman. We are currently in the middle of  a world-wind tour of Nashville. We're using up the All Access Pass that Grandpa won us at Holly's auction last year. It expires in October; so we've got to get busy. Here are all of the places we are going- Traveler's Rest Plantation, Ryman Auditorium, The Parthenon, Country Music Hall of Fame including the Studio B tour, Cumberland Tavern, General Jackson Showboat, Belle Meade Plantation, Cheekwood, The Frist Art Museum, Lotz House Museum, Grand Ole Opry, and the Belmont Mansion. Phew!

That's a lot! You've done great so far, but I think the funniest place will be the house museums. You like to ask if all the furniture is yours. "Is that my chair?, Is that my bed? Is that my table?"

Looking forward many more Nashville adventures with you!

Love, Mommy