Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010 Round-Up

 On your new tricycle, courtesy of Pop and M. You seriously cannot ride on this thing without smiling.
 Drawing with Pop on your new art table.
 A very fun bubble bath with Aunt Suz
 Reading your new personalized book (from Aunt Suz), all about your name, with M.
 Matching Nationals shirts!
 Christmas Eve mass with the Wyckoffs
 Arts and crafts time with Grandma and Grandpa
 Christmas Day at Great-Aunt Lyn's...naptime/horsie time with M
 Reading your new Robot book from Aunt Les
Merry Christmas Maevy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Chatty Maevy

It was just a couple weeks ago that I noted you were saying a lot of phrases. Now you are speaking in sentences, and you seem obsessed with pointing out all the words and objects you know. We don't always understand you, but here are a few we've recently deciphered.

Uh-oh, I dropped it!
Sit down Mommy or Sit down Daddy (This might be your first sentence. You figured out how to boss us around pretty early.)

The following three sound very similar-
Snow (We had our first snow of the season last week and it was on the ground for a couple days.)

Lights; more lights (You've known light for a long time, but you've had fun driving around with Daddy after school looking at Christmas lights.)

Colors- You've definitely got blue and green down. You know yellow, orange, red, and purple as well, but you don't point them out as often.

Shapes- I think you know most of your shapes, but you haven't started saying them yet. And all circles look a lot like balls!

One last story- The babysitter at the church nursery noted last week that you were very good at puzzles. I've thought this as well, and we should probably get you some more. Lately we've been spreading out all the puzzles on the floor. Then we have all the pieces in a pile or box. You pick them up one by one and place them in the appropriate puzzle. We have one puzzle with shapes and family members on the puzzle board. The oval piece goes on M, the triangle piece goes on Mommy, etc... Yesterday without even looking at the puzzle, you picked up the oval piece and said, "M!" I thought that was pretty smart.

We're looking forward to hearing what you say next and doing lots more puzzles with you! Love- Mommy

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Lately you've stringing together 2-3 words. They are usually very deliberate and ridiculously cute.

Some of our favorites-
Thank you, Mommy
Thank you, Daddy
Hello/Bye-Bye Mommy
Hello/Bye-Bye Daddy
More pasta
More bnana (banana)
All done (pronounced ahh doe)
My book, snack, diaper, baby, hat

Also whenever you are in the car, there's lots of singing-
the name song...which usually is henry, henry, henry...HENRY!
issy bissy (itsy-bitsy spider)

Book Nook

Last Friday Daddy and I picked you up from school for a special Holiday luncheon. When I came into your classroom you were sitting down reading a book in the reading nook. Miss Marissa, your teacher, said it was your favorite spot and asked if I had seen a new picture of you that was on the wall. The picture shows you surrounded with all the books pulled off the shelf. Miss Marissa said that's your favorite thing to do- pull all the books off and read. I noted that I thought this was great. Added bonus it creates a little barrier between you and your classmates. Everyone needs alone time.

I've also noticed that you've been wanting to read books to Daddy and I recently. We try to read them to you, and you say "No Mommy/Daddy...mine." As long you are reading, we don't really care if you get the words right. Let's hope your love for books lasts forever.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pre-Terrible Twos Follow-Up

Turns out you had an ear infection. Sorry Maev, but you are all better now. You still throw some fits and don't like when you don't get your way. But you are back to eating and seem much happier. We're looking forward to when you can communicate that your ear hurts and we can get you better sooner.

In other news, it seems we have a big girl in training.

Step 1- Big Girl Chair
For most meals now, you prefer to eat in your big girl chair. And look at you using your fork!
Step 2- Big Girl Bathtub
As much we love your baby to toddler bathtub, it was time to retire it. You weren't sitting in it properly and it was becoming a problem. We got a mat for the tub, and now you have as much room as you want.

I hope Step 3 is Potty Training. :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

2nd Halloween

Last year you were Pebbles for Halloween. Although very cute, you didn't get to do any trick or treating. This year we thought we would attempt it. I searched online for easy to make toddler costumes and found this Little Lamb costume. It was perfect. Plus you are still really into animals and when asked, "What does a sheep say?". You reply, "Baa."

Aunt Les attached the hood and ears, and Mommy glued on all the cotton balls. (There were a lot!) Well you turned out to be one pretty cute lamb. (This is probably the best pic and you're kind of crying because there are "scary" dogs down below.The hood/ears were cute, but you wouldn't wear it. Maybe you would have worn it if it was cold, but it was 70 degrees!)
You couldn't say trick or treat. So we opted for "Baa" instead. Everyone loves a homemade costume and you received lots of compliments. One person even said it was the best costume of the night.
East Nashville might be covered in cotton balls, but I think it was worth it.
Post trick or treating after eating your first mini-bag of M&Ms ever. Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 22, 2010

1st Braid

Almost 20 months old and Aunt Robyn or "Bobbie" gave you your 1st braid. Pretty cute...

Maevy and Aunt Lesley's Day of Fun


I just got back from a wonderful weekend in Nashville visiting you and the rest of the Wyckoff/East Taylor Clan. We had a blast! It took you a day or so to warm up to me but I don’t blame you – I’m the aunt who lives way far away in Minnesota so I don’t get to see you as much as Aunt Robyn or “Bobby” as you call her sometimes. I hate going 6 months or more without seeing you so that’s why I planned this special fall trip to get in some quality Maevy time. We had fun with the family on Saturday and Sunday but then Monday was the main event – a full day just Maevy and Aunt Lesley!

Maevy and Aunt Lesley at Lucky Ladds Farm
I think you were still a little unsure about me here….

Maevy and Aunt Lesley’s Day of Fun:

In the morning after dropping off Daddy at work, we played with blocks, crawled in your tunnel, and read lots of books. Funny story: Being obsessed with the show Gilmore Girls, I always seem to find it on TV. So just for some background noise, I turned the TV on and found Gilmore Girls on ABC Family. After a while, you noticed the TV and ran up to the screen saying “Mommy, mommy” while point to Lorelei (Lauren Graham. I said, “No that’s not Mommy, goofy- it’s Lorelei”. You didn’t seem to care and were pretty sure it was actually Mommy.

I’ve never thought of Mommy and Lorelei looking alike but maybe you’re right and there are some similarities….
Mommy and Lorelei

Then after you and I both took a nap (being a stay at home Aunt is tiring!), we packed up the car and headed to the Warner Park Nature Center to check out the Dirt Park. Yep, it’s a playground for kids full of dirt. It’s actually pretty awesome and a lot of fun. You were a little hesitant about getting dirty at first but after a few minutes, you got in the groove. Playing in the dirt/sand box
Hanging out on the huge pile of dirt
On the way home, we past by a Sonic and so I decided to treat you with some ice cream. I scooped up a little ice cream in a cup and enjoyed watching you eat it in the back seat with one of those really long Sonic spoons. It was pretty cute. I kept asking you if you were done and of course you weren’t but instead of saying no, you would just shake her head while scooping up another spoon full of vanilla ice cream. We made it home in one piece and then headed to the airport to say goodbye.

I think you had a pretty fun day with me and I of course enjoyed it as well. I look forward to future Maevy and Aunt Lesley Fun Days!

I love you Maevy!

Aunt Lesley

Pre-Terrible Twos


This week has been interesting one. I haven't heard any comments from school, but at home we have had some "situations".

Situation 1- On Tuesday night, you lost it. In retrospect, I think maybe you are getting your 2 yr old molars in,which might have made you cranky. You said you were hungry, but would not get in your seat or eat anything. You just crying and crying. Finally I just held you for a few minutes, and then you just stopped and pointed at the pictures of our families we have on the wall. You finally ate dinner and took your bath. Then I snuck out for a meeting. You went to bed ok, but kept waking up crying for the next hour or so. Again, I think it was your teeth. We should have given you some tylenol.

Situation 2- See Designer Diva post.

Situation 3- Food Demands
Last night during dinner you were doing great, as usual. You ate your ham and all of your broccoli. For some reason, you didn't want your vegetable orzo that you've been eating all week. You started pointing towards some pumpkin cookies that I made the night before. You've never had a pumpkin cookie, but you did have some pumpkin bread that morning for breakfast. I think you thought that's what it was. After lots of whining and crying, I offered you a piece of cookie. It was not what you expected and you lost it. This was kind of funny to me because what child cries over a chocolate chip pumpkin cookie. While you were crying with your mouth open, I put a little bit of the cookie on your tongue so you could taste it. After you composed yourself and realized chocolate was involved, you picked up the rest of the cookie and ate it. P.S. I snuck a pea in the cookie.

Situation 4- Mommy obsession
Right now you are obsessed with the Mommy. We have been doing the same routine in the morning for over a year now. Daddy gets you up, brushes your teeth, and gets you dressed. Mommy gets your breakfast ready and Daddy sits with you while you eat. Once Mommy is done getting ready for work, we head for school.

But this morning, you would not eat your food if Daddy helped and you pulled Daddy's hand to get him out of the chair he normally sits in. Then made Mommy sit down and help you eat. I love you Maev, but this is ridiculous. If we didn't have such a tight schedule, I don't think we would have given into your demands.We're a team and you're going to need to get on board with both Mommy AND Daddy.

I'm praying this is just a phase. Otherwise I see lots of whining and crying in our future.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Designer Diva


This morning was the first (I'm sure) of many fights over what outfit to wear. Daddy picked out an outfit last night, like always, and this morning while getting you dressed, he saw that the shirt was sleeveless. It's getting a little cooler out and it's definitely not sleeveless shirt weather. Daddy ran upstairs and grabbed you a long-sleeved shirt that matched your pants. I took off your shirt and started to put on the new shirt.

Well, you weren't interested. You started whining, wouldn't put your arms through, and kept taking the shirt off your head. So I thought can eat your breakfast without a shirt on. You'll forget about the sleeveless shirt and we'll be good to go. After breakfast I tried again with the long-sleeved shirt and you said "No." I asked if you wanted to wear the brown shirt (sleeveless shirt) and you said "Yes" or really you smiled and happily grunted. (We're still working on actually saying the word "yes") So fine. You got to wear the sleeveless shirt and we threw a white cardigan on over it in case you got cold during the day. At least this "fight" was still over age-appropriate clothing, I can only imagine what the future brings.

Tomorrow, you're wearing long sleeves.



Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Organized Living by Maevy


You might not always pick up your toys, but you definitely make sure your shoes and socks are put away. Everyday when you get home from school, we take off your shoes and socks. They're big and clunky, and it's time to let your feet air out. After we take your shoes and socks off, you stick your socks in the shoes and then take the shoes to the laundry room and place them on the floor.

I guess you know that the laundry room is where dirty clothes go, but I'm not sure why you insist on putting the shoes in there too. We don't keep any other shoes there. But everyday before we start playing or reading books, you insist on taking your shoes and socks to the laundry room.

I might have an apprentice on my hands. I can already see color-coded binders in your future.

Love you and your stinky socks.

Friday, September 17, 2010

18 mo. Growth Stats

Yesterday you had your 18month old check-up. No ear infections this time, and you seem to be growing just fine. Oh but Dr. Ladd is a little worried about your tonsils. They're big, like Mommy's. If you show any signs of sleep apnea or problems eating, then we might have to get them removed. Mommy's doctors always threatened to take hers out and it never happened. We'll see.

Your next appointment isn't until next March when you are 2! Oh my!

Here are your stats-

Age: 18 months
Weight: 26lbs 5.5oz (80%)
Height: 35" (79%)
Head circumference: 17 7/8" (25%)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jail Break

Bright and early Monday morning, you showed Mommy a new skill, climbing out of your crib! I have no idea if you've tried this before, but if it was your first time/last time, I'm glad I was there for it.

Grandpa and M were in town and planning to stay home with you all day. I went to get up in the morning and Grandpa came in to say good morning. You were bouncing around as usual pointing out animals on your walls or in your books. I walked across the room to get you some clothes, and the next thing I hear is a gasp from Grandpa. I turned around and there you were on the other side of the crib still somehow standing on the mattress. I assume you were going to try to step down to the floor. I quickly grabbed you, and didn't seemed phased by your dangerous attempt at an escape.

Not wanting to witness or not-witness another jail break, Daddy with the help of M quickly moved the level of your mattress DOWN. Before we know it will be time to take off the railing, and then you'll really be FREE. Well not really, I still reserve the right to put you in some type of "jail" be it a crib or a bedroom until your 18. Ha, ha, ha (insert funny/evil laugh)

Love you Maev.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Weekend Round Up

A couple funny stories from the weekend-

Saturday night we headed over to a friend's house for playtime and dinner. You and Charlie were so cute playing together. I think he even gave you your first kiss (on the mouth!) You practiced your animals sounds together and even played in the bath together.Earlier in the night, I was reading Charlie a book and Charlie's mom, Kate, was reading you a book, which happened to be an Elmo book. I didn't realize it was an Elmo book, but all of sudden I heard you saying, "El-mo" and pointing at Elmo. I was shocked. I didn't know you knew who Elmo was! You don't watch tv and don't have any Elmo books or toys at home. I told the story to your teacher at school this morning and she thinks it's because a lot of diapers have Elmo on them...and sometimes they'll give the kids a clean diaper to play with while they change diapers. Well I guess when you finally do watch Sesame Street, you'll have 1 character down. (Oh dear...)

Sunday we headed to the Frist Museum for Family Free Day. It was crazy busy, but it's always fun to see free art. After we made a craft and went through all the exhibits we headed outside to play in the fountain and get a free ice cream sandwich. (Daddy found the sandwiches.) You were unsure of the ice cream sandwich at first, but quickly started taking huge bites and then running back to the fountains. The pool of water and bench is tall enough that you have to get on your tippy toes to touch the water. I think Mommy and Daddy were both thinking you were probably going to fall in...and sure enough you did! We were right next to you and picked you right up, but you were soaked. The funniest part was A. you didn't cry at all and B. the second you popped up and caught your breath you opened your mouth toward the ice cream sandwich for a bite. We had to leave quickly afterward because other little girls were asking if they could get in the fountain.

We heard a couple of these conversations-

Little girl: "Mommy, can I get in the fountain?"
Mommy: "No, you can't get in the fountain."
Little girl: "But she got in the fountain."
Mommy: "I don't think she meant to get in the fountain."

We'll have to work on setting a better example next time.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tomato Festival 2010


Today we headed to our neighborhood festival, the Tomato Festival. This is your second one and this year Aunt Lesley made you a cute tomato-themed dress. You received lots of compliments.

Mommy started the morning by running in the 5k. Then you had breakfast at Bongo Java with Grandpa and Daddy. We participated in the New Orleans-style parade, and danced with the band afterward.Luckily we brought the spray bottle and lots of water for the heat. After the parade we found a bouncy house-

Then after nap time, we went back out in the 100 degree weather, but ate lunch inside at Rumours.
Daddy tested his strength at the Tomato Olympics and we enjoyed some ice cream at Pied Piper.

Everywhere we saw dogs and you kept pointing them out.

After we headed home, you and Grandpa played in the sprinkler.

It was a hot, long day, but you were great and we had a wonderful day celebrating the tomato... a uniter, not a divider.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wyckoff Lake Weekend


We're almost at the end of all our summer adventures. This week was a big week for you. Last Sunday Grandpa and Grandma came to Nashville to pick you up and "borrow" you for a few days. You headed back to Memphis and Mommy and Daddy were left at home, alone.

On Monday, while we were missing you, you got to hang out with MT, Gpa, Aunt Anna, and even some cousins.

On Tuesday, you made an appearance at Grandma's school and visited some of Grandpa's friends.

Then Wednesday you headed to the Pickwick Pines resort with Grandma and Grandpa. Eventually Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Lesley, Aunt Robyn, Matt and Jake all arrived there too.

Before the lake, we had fun with an art activity-

Then we spent the next 2 days on the boat. You watched us tube with Grandma-

Aunt Robyn bought you a swim shirt and new hat that you actually wore!
Here are all the happy couples-

You also got a new life jacket. You liked it ok, but preferred to wear your swim thingy.

After two long days at the lake. We spent the last day playing and hanging out at the pool. Check out the matching swimsuit that Aunt Robyn unintentionally got you.
More pool time fun. Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for a great week!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July Re-cap

We headed out to Lake Cumberland over July 4th weekend with Mt, Gpa, and Uncle Jr.

On Saturday, Mommy and Daddy golfed with Uncle Jr.
Technically I think I played the best which included NOT hitting any condos! Later you helped Daddy return the golf cart.
Sunday we went on a pontoon boat, and Daddy look very Baywatch on the waverunner. Mommy even convinced Daddy to jump off the boat with her!You rode the waverunner too and even drove the boat with Mt and Gpa. You eventually got a little sleepy, but never fell asleep until we got in the car. We hope you had a great time! Happy July 4th Maev!