Friday, August 30, 2019

4th grade - TN Ready Scores

You were pleased with your results and commented that you only had a few more points to go for Math.You also commented- that you it was interesting that everyone has their own expectations and goals - and that yours was different than some that might just want to be at Level 2 or 3. You've always been observant. :)

You also found out yesterday - that you got assigned to the Mathlethes club at Head. Nice! Congrats- you'll love it!

Monday, August 5, 2019

1st day of 5th Grade


You're a middle schooler!!

1st day at Head Middle Magnet
And 3 weeks later -the bus ride to the east side is going great. So much so that - you take selfies with your friends almost everyday. :)

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Summer 2019

Phew - busy summer. Here's the re-cap.where are the Audrey pics!!!

Week 1: Camp Wyckoff

Week 2: Audrey alone week

Week 3: Encore Camp - then Denver

Week 4: Denver, then home

Week 5: Camp Vandy

Finished a puzzle- you bought with your own $

Pride with Daddy

Week 6: Camp Taylor

Week 7: home, Tiger Transition

Week 8: Girl Scout sleep away camp

Week 9: home

Week 10: home- including downtown day and get away with Mom