Monday, August 29, 2016

Box Sleeping


You and your brother are nuts...and quickly became obsessed with a large box we recently received. He decided to sleep in the box Saturday night...and then guess what - you slept in the box last night- albeit not very comfortably.

I thought for sure you would move to your bed in the middle of the night, but you said you didn't. You did admit - that you slept better at the beginning of the night than at the end. You were hot, then you were cold, hot, then cold - feet in, feet out.

Whatever...ya'll are silly.

Love you,


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Encore Writings

Some first day of Encore writings that I thought were interesting -

This semester's focus - the Physics of Toys

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

1st Day of 2nd Grade


You are super excited about 2nd grade. You got the teacher you wanted - Ms. Kessler - the only teacher you knew because a. - the other 2 teachers left and b. Macy Kate is her daughter and in your grade. :)

But also - Lyla and Daphne are in your class - which we're also excited about.

You put yourself to bed early last night - 8p and didn't even read. I think you were ready. :)

Second grade was one of my favorite growing up - I hope it's your too.

Side by Side - You're missing a few teeth!

 laughing at Carter scratching his booty  -
 With June -
 Front sign -
 Front steps - silly smile
 With Ms. Kessler -
