Tuesday, February 14, 2012



We recently had your parent-teacher conference at school. Overall you are doing great. You are a good helper and your favorite centers to play in are home-living, the loft, and the book center. Your best friend is Zoe (see above), although you also like hanging out with the teachers a lot. It seems you've become quite the teacher's pet and like helping them or doing whatever they are doing.

Other educational updates-
* You know all of your letters.
* You know all of your numbers.
* I think you can count to 20.
* You are really good at writing the letter "M", "X", "W", "T" and "A". Last night, you even wrote a lower case "h".
* Last night, you said there were 6 stories in each Curious George book. I said- "yeah, you're right." You replied, "Yeah, 12!" I think you just got lucky.
* Last week, you "read" one of the Curious George stories in it's entirety, almost verbatim. Sometimes your memory freaks Mom and Dad out. 
* You know your birthday and your address. (You still think we live in Nationals, TN.)

We love watching you learn and grow. Keep it up!


Story Teller

Here you at school napping....super cute.

Now that you are older and have been sleeping in a "big girl" bed, you also like to get out of bed, come downstairs, and make up a story or reason why you needed to get out of bed. Usually you claim you can't find a stuffed animal. "I can't find ___________ (baby, Violet-the dog, Rudolph, Bearie)." One time you whined and claimed that "Baby hit you in the face." Several times you've gotten out of bed to put on your slippers or more recently your new silver, church shoes.

Every time, we just take you back upstairs, say good night, and tell you to "stay in bed!". Last night after we read books for 45minutes!, I put you in bed and said good night. I heard you whining/crying on the monitor and decided to check on you before you got out of bed.

Here was our conversation last night-

Maevy: "Mom...I need you to tell me a story."
(Side note: You have Daddy wrapped around your finger. Plus Daddy is really good at telling stories, and usually when it's his turn to do bed time, he tells you 1-3 stories as you lie in bed. Everything from the Wizard of Oz to Space Balls to baseball themed stories like Fever Pitch.)

Mom: "No, Mom isn't going to tell you any stories. It's time for bed. You can tell your stuffed animals a story."

Maevy: "No, I can't. Their mouths are closed."

Mom: (while trying not to laugh) "Well, then just hold on to blankie and try to go to sleep. Good night."

I'm not sure what you decided, but we didn't hear another peep. I can only imagine the stories you will make up when you are older.

Love you, Maev.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Stories from the Weekend

Hiya Maev-

You are becoming quite the handful, especially for an almost 7ish month pregnant lady.

On Saturday, while Daddy was at a photography class, we went out for a"special treat" to this place where you make your own pancakes.  (Mostly I was hungry and wanted some coffee, but also had been wanting to try this place out for a while.) The food was okay, and you didn't really seem to care about helping make the pancakes. The big news was you needing to poop twice! during our meal- which meant leaving our table twice, once while there was pancake cooking. The 2nd time, you walked off and told the wait staff along the way that you "had to go poopy." Then when you were ready to leave, you announced, "I'm done. Let's go home" and started heading for the door. I was still paying/trying to put some cream in my to-go cup of coffee. Luckily the front door was heavy and you couldn't open it. As I walked to the front of the restaurant, everyone was looking around wondering who belonged to this child. (I'm a pretty awesome and responsible Mom.)

Then on Sunday, we made the mistake of going to the grocery store as a family. Daddy says you are usually great when you two go together, but this time, not so much...You talked Daddy into getting one of those car-carts. More than once, you climbed up on top of the car! Plus we ran into 2! friends from school which meant you wanted to talk, hold hands, run through the store, and give them all hugs. The worst was when we were trying to check out. Daddy was no where to be found. You are on the roof of the car, insisting on helping put items from the actual cart onto the conveyor belt. The cart gets stuck in the checkout aisle, and I'm too fat to fit between the candy bars and that stupid car to get to the front and pull you off. It was a mess! Next time I go by myself to the grocery store or you and Daddy can go together.